The first stop was to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s headquarters. Our colleagues, Ábel Hegedüs and István Ráth had been invited to give a presentation about IncQuery Server, a component of IncQuery Model Analysis Suite (IQMAS). It was a great opportunity to address a wider audience and explain how our product can be a useful tool to engineers at NASA JPL. Besides the presentation, the visit gave us a chance to discuss further collaborations and possible future projects.
On the second half of the week, since Model Based Systems Engineering is a key methodology in the working of IncQuery Labs, we participated in the annual INCOSE International Workshop that was organized in Torrance, California, 25th-28th January. The highlight of the event for us was the MBX working group, where all the significant members of the openMBEE community presented themselves. During the poster session, we showcased IQMAS, our scalable query evaluation tool. We could also see Thales’ poster about Eclipse Capella, a comprehensive and extensible MBSE tool that IncQuery Labs helped to develop.
It was a great opportunity for us to meet in person some of the partners we are already working with, in addition to making new acquaintances for possible future collaborations.