Elevating digital engineering quality assurance for groups and organizations committed to the Cameo and Teamwork Cloud platforms.
IncQuery Validator is a powerful tool that provides model governance as an integral part of your next-generation MBSE workflow. Model governance establishes rigorous quality criteria and enforces style guidelines that are essential for effective data exchange in engineering workflows. This ensures that models remain consistent and understandable across different teams and organizations, preventing the accumulation of errors that could manifest later in the product lifecycle, potentially leading to costly delays and reworks.
The IncQuery Validator for CATIA Magic comes in three different tiers, layered on top of each other, from a desktop tool add-on to an enterprise-level, scalable model governance workbench. It can generate rich validation reports including a high-level Quality Score, as well as detailed rule violation breakdowns, that give information on the general context, severity, and impact of each quality issue.
Model governance ensures that your work is:
Free from common design mistakes, meaning it helps in identifying and correcting errors early in the design process, reducing the risk of costly revisions later.
Compliant to standards and other regulations, ensuring that models adhere to industry-specific guidelines and legal requirements which are critical for system certification and market acceptance.
Conformant to established methodologies and best practices, which involves the consistent application of proven modeling techniques and strategies to improve the reliability and quality of the system models. to established methodologies and best practices.
IncQuery Desktop is an add-on for CATIA No Magic MagicDraw/Cameo Systems Modeler, offering a fast and efficient graph query engine for executing model queries right inside the SysML authoring tool. Its rich integration with MagicDraw allows for using query based expressions, to power smart packages, custom tables, relation maps, and more.
This makes it easier for MBSE practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of complex SysML models without sacrificing tool performance and overall producvity. Furthermore, instantaneous query re-evaluation allows to further streamline the design workflow by running active validation rules, dynamic tables and other similar features without any noticeable delay.
Cameo Add-On: Seamless integration with Cameo Systems Modeler for enhanced functionality
Fast Expression Engine: Rapid model query capabilities for efficient design validation
Powerful Query Language: Customize and define complex validation rules effortlessly
DevOps Pipeline Deployment: Automates the integration with Teamwork Cloud for continuous delivery and integration
Built-in Rule Libraries: Includes predefined rules for SysML and SAIC Digital Engineering to jumpstart model validation
Quality Score Reports: Offers comprehensive reports that evaluate model quality with actionable insights
Model Governance: Implement governance at scale to maintain model integrity across large teams
Aggregated Quality Metrics: Consolidate quality indicators for a holistic view of model health
Integration with Excel/Jupyter/Tableau: Extends model validation with popular data analysis tools for enhanced decision making
Model-based Systems Engineering promotes the concept of a primary artefact being the “single source of truth”. This means that systems design artefacts captured in SysML tools such as Cameo Systems Modeler or Enterprise Architect need to be validated for internal consistency as part of the authoring process, to make sure that they are free of basic errors (such as missing or invalid property values) as well as more complex design mistakes (such as incorrectly applied patterns, circular dependencies, etc).
While authoring tools do provide some quality assurance features (e.g. validation rules), their configuration and execution is hard to standardize across a large team of collaborators, especially as tool capabilities may be significantly different. As a result, quality assurance practice in MBSE projects becomes fragmented and heavily reliant on error-prone and time-consuming manual review processes – which is hardly the best, yet still the most popular way of being ISO26262 compliant.
Consequently, a lot of SysML projects, especially complex ones managed by large organizations along long supply chains, tend to accumulate a lot of undetected or ignored errors. This is a significant risk, as these may manifest in later engineering phases as handover problems that require a lot of back-and-forth communication to resolve. The most severe of such flaws may even remain in the system under design until testing and integration, causing a lot of extra cost and missed deadlines.
The challenge even experienced users of CATIA No Magic MagicDraw/Cameo Systems Modeler face lies in complexity. As SysML projects grow large with a lot of elements, packages, diagrams and external references, maintaining the overview as well as a deep understanding is difficult even for power users. MagicDraw offers features such as expressions, validation rules, custom tables, and smart packages, however, adding these to a large and complex project can cause slowdowns and loss of productivity.
An add-on to Cameo, the Standalone edition serves the power user: it comes with an add-on for System Analysts to reach a deeper understanding of a complex SysML project, by writing and evaluating complex graph queries, and accelerates the authoring workflow of a Systems Engineer by using powerful MagicDraw expressions inside active validation rules, relation maps, smart packages, dynamic tables and dependency matrixes, powered by instantaneous graph queries.
What sets IncQuery Validator apart from other solutions is its exceptional performance and speed. Whether you are working on a large-scale project or simply looking for a fast and efficient way to validate and customize your models, we have you covered.
The rich query editor provides a convenient and efficient way of writing queries in the VIATRA Query Language (VQL). With features such as syntax highlighting, content assistance and more, users are able to quickly write and test model queries right inside Cameo Systems Modeler.
IncQuery Validator reports are stand-alone artefacts that can be configuration-managed in their own right. The HTML/PDF reports feature the Quality Score, which takes the number and severity of each rule into account. Detailed rule breakdowns are also provided, allowing you to navigate to the problematic model element with a single click, right inside Cameo. The Enterprise version even integrates with Excel, Jupyter, Tableau, Confluence and similar tools.
For Cameo/Teamwork Cloud users, IncQuery Validator offers an adaptation of the SAIC Digital Engineering Validation Tool ruleset, that checks for basic problems and advanced design anti-patterns. The rulesets can be customized and extended using the Standalone edition, and then used in your Team and Enterprise deployments.
IncQuery Validator supports CI/CD deployment out of the box. This way, you can easily orchestrate reliable and scalable validation workflows for many complex projects, by taking advantage of elastic capabilities of Jenkins or similar platforms. CI/CD platforms also allow to capture historic quality metadata to power QA dashboards, as well as integrate with messaging and notification platforms so you can disseminate quality-related information quickly and efficiently to key stakeholders.
All of our solutions are available in yearly term-based subscription plans:
Seat license
Floating license
Add-ons / Plug-ins
Automation pipeline
Available on request
Available on request