On November 30, the EMBrACE consortium gathered for one last time in Linköping, Sweeden to summarize the results of a three-year journey around domain and tool integration techniques for future cyber-physical systems. The open environment envisioned by the project (as well as its already planned follow-up activities) provides a unified methodology and technological basis for holistic systems design, from requirements modeling (backed by the project's very own requirement language) to SysML-based architecture design and simulation based on the Modelica environment, along with industrial demonstrations in the energy and aerospace sectors.
During the final review, held in the presence of not only key project partners but also the appointed external reviewers, we have presented the main achievements of the project, along with practice-focused presentations of actual tooling outcomes of the project. This is where the EMBrACE-specific solution of IncQuery, empowered by the IncQuery Suite, has been shown as well. We have created a comprehensive and extendable toolkit, involving both desktop-based plugins as well as a cloud- and Jupyter-based components, to bridge two key standards, SysML and SSP from the systems modeling and the simulation specification world, respectively. The solution, successfully demonstrated in an aerospace context, allows for importing and exporting SSP models into/from a SysML environment, locally within a modeling tool, or in the cloud. In addition, it provides powerful, custom-tailored analytics and change management over those artifacts, opening up new possibilities for holistic systems engineering, fusing systems design and simulation specifications into a single digital thread.
Building upon the promising conceptual and technical project outcome, and the fruitful collaborations and partnerships born within the consortium, we intend to continue the work started within EMBrACE, through research collaborations as well as industrial partnerships.
Project no. 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA-2019-00001 has been implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the [2019-2.1.1-EUREKA-2019-00001] funding scheme.