ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) is one of the most prestigious forums (with an A* CORE ranking) that focuses on programming languages and programming systems research. Covering the areas of design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance, it is a valued event for all industry players.
This year, a paper co-authored by our colleague; Gábor Bergmann was accepted to the conference. Titled: “Incremental whole-program analysis in Datalog with lattices”, the academic work was presented at the virtual event by another co-author, Tamás Szabó from JKU Mainz.
In the paper, co-authors displayed how conducting static analysis on source code models (represented as knowledge graphs) can provide crucial insights and may detect errors or vulnerabilities that testing could not uncover. They were the first ever to quickly perform a flexible range of powerful checks and provide immediate valuable feedback to software developers during coding.
This was achieved using the query paradigm Datalog and associated technology: the VIATRA Query Language (VQL). This powerful and versatile graph query language was optimized for quick analysis results , while supporting simple and complex validation rules and organization into reusable query libraries. VQL is also a basis of our flagship product: the IncQuery Suite. It supports lightning-fast analysis with the IncQuery Server - the core component of the tool - and helps to search, query and analyze your complete digital threads.
Access the paper in full-length at the official catalog.