Collaboration in the Arrowhead Tools project continues. In the last week of April, participants gathered to discuss the milestones of the past half-year. The Multi Work Package workshop, instead of taking place in Milan, was moved online, but, besides the change of location, everything went according to the plan.
The agenda of the first day was to present the yearly summary reports for every task force. Our colleagues, leading the task force on data semantics, concentrated on the project's achievements, as well as introducing some of the work our closest partners have been doing. On the second day, we had the opportunity to present our technical contribution during the tool demonstration session. IncQuery Labs' MagicDraw systems engineering add-on, equipped with Arrowhead-specific features, will be the centerpiece in the Arrowhead engineering process.
On the last day, our colleagues demonstrated our comprehensive Arrowhead systems modeling methodology using SysML. We talked about our implementation in details, as well as elaborating on how this methodology could be adapted to SysML's upcoming (SysML v2) version.
Finally, the highlight of the workshop for IncQuery Labs was that our proposal to create an umbrella model of all the technologies used across the project was accepted. We believe that it will help participating partners and make the Arrowhead Tools project more transparent and coordinated.

The research has received funding from the EU ECSEL JU under the H2020 Framework Programme, JU grant nr. 826452 (ArrowheadTools project) and from the partners' national funding authorities.

Project no. 2019-2.1.3-NEMZ_ECSEL-2019-00003 has been implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the 2019-2.1.3-NEMZ_ECSEL funding scheme.
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