Lowcomote is an international project funded by the European Union. Its goal is to assist 15 Ph.D. students (Early-Stage Researchers, ESRs) in becoming the leaders of tomorrow’s engineering low-code platforms. IncQuery Labs, a company with academic roots, values education and supports accessible knowledge sharing. Therefore, we joined the Lowcomote project and hosted one of the Early-Stage Researchers, Benedek Horváth, who is pursuing his Ph.D. in live model transformations for distributed low-code platforms.
As part of the Lowcomote project, ESRs participate in network events and workshops every three or four months, receiving academic and soft skill training. The 7th Network and Training week of the project took place online, between November 2-4. Early-Stage Researchers gave presentations about their research progress since the last network event and received training on project management from Pablo Díez, UGround, and business development. This latter workshop, focusing on start-up business development, was organized by IncQuery Labs CTO/COO, Ákos Horváth.
The idea behind the workshop was to educate participants about business development, leadership skills, and other necessary soft skills for building a successful start-up. Founders of the participating companies and the model-driven engineering world gave testimonies about their real-life experiences. ESRs learned about what kind of personality traits and people they need in the team, what pitfalls they should avoid, and how to focus on other aspects of companies besides their product and technology. They also reviewed how state-of-the-art academic research can be transferred and adapted to industrial needs, which is an excellent way of applying research in practice.
IncQuery Labs’ management also talked about our experience with product and business development at the workshop. Ákos Horváth introduced our journey from open-source technology (VIATRA) to the IncQuery Server and finally, the IncQuery Suite. This revolutionary analysis and integration tool helps systems engineers with model-based systems engineering (MBSE) processes.
Our CEO, István Ráth, talked about the company’s evolution from a small research group focusing on custom development projects to a mid-sized company with a flagship product in the center of attention. He introduced our three main focuses throughout the process: people, technology, and business. He emphasized the importance of continuous training and support of our employees to help them broaden their knowledge and become industry-leading professionals.
The following Network and Training week in the Lowcomote project will be organized in 2022. Follow us on our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) for future information.