IncQuery Labs is currently taking part in three initiatives of the European Union. The Lowcomote project aims to train 15 Ph.D. students (Early-Stage Researchers), who will become the leaders of tomorrow's engineering of low-code platforms. Arrowhead Tools, one of the most significant digitalization projects of the EU, focuses on digitalization and automation solutions for the European industry via a novel, comprehensive modeling and operation approach to Systems of Systems. The EMBrACE (Environment for Model-Based Design and Verification of CPS Systems) project tackles the challenges of complex, safety-critical CPS (cyber-physical systems) via integrated toolchains, unifying the different phases of the engineering process.
These last two initiatives are approaching their final phases, making the intense collaboration and focused joint decision making more important than ever. This fall, our colleagues participated in several high-impact plenary workshops as part of the Arrowhead Tools and EMBrACE projects.
In Arrowhead Tools, despite Covid remaining an impediment for the whole European research ecosystem, most of the consortium could meet in person at a project workshop in Lübeck in mid-October. As this significant digitalization initiative is now approaching completion, with a closing review coming up next spring, the workshop had a lot of important decisions among its primary goals. From now on, the consortium's focus is to arrive at consolidated presentations, clearly displaying the industrial relevance of the project results, even wrapping them as the market offers whenever appropriate. The workshop has been a demonstration marketplace, where all partners could present their recent additions to the Arrowhead ecosystem. We are happy to say that our model-based, design-time System-of-Systems modeling approach, empowered by the IncQuery Suite, has attracted much attention, as testified by a recent article on the project website. Read more about how our revolutionary analysis and integration tool enables systems engineers to interact with the Eclipse Arrowhead System-of-systems models via a web browser instead of heavy modeling ecosystems.
The EMBrACE project is about to close its second year, and, therefore, we observe similar trends in gravitating towards a clear display of industrial relevance. We contribute to this by developing a comprehensive design-and-simulation toolchain together with Saab, one of the most important European players in the field. In November, at an online workshop, we presented our proof-of-concept tool for bridging systems architecture and simulation specifications, relying on the well-established SysML and SSP standards, respectively. In the upcoming last year of the project, we agreed on investigating the use of SysML v2 instead of or in parallel to the current solution, based on the still-prevalent first version of the standard. In addition, we will focus on increasing the industrial visibility and adoptability of our toolchain by offering a web-based, innovative analysis interface for a more efficient and error-resistant multi-domain engineering workflow.

Any dissemination of results must indicate that it reflects only the author's view and that the JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 826452. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Sweden, Austria, Poland, Germany, Italy, Czech Rebuplic, Netherlands, Belgium, Latvia, Romania, France, Hungary, Portugal, Finland, Turkey, Norways, Switzerland.