We are pleased to announce that researchers of IncQuery Labs won the 10-year Most Influential Paper (MIP) Award of the MODELS 2020 Conference with the research article “Incremental Evaluation of Model Queries over EMF Models” authored by István Ráth, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Varró, Gábor Bergmann, András Balogh, Zoltán Balogh and András Ökrös.
This year the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2020) was organized between October 16-23. MODELS is the most prestigious scientific venue of model-based software and systems engineering, which welcomes attendees with diverse backgrounds including researchers, academics, engineers and industrial professionals.
Attendees of MODELS 2020 present cutting-edge research results and innovative practical experiences related to modeling and model-driven software and systems engineering.
This year’s edition had a special focus on innovative applications of modeling in emerging application areas such as cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, socio-technical systems, cloud computing, big data, machine learning, security, open source, and sustainability.
Each year, the MODELS Steering Committee, which consists of leading researchers of the field, chooses a paper written a decade ago, which had revolutionary academic or industrial impact. This year, the winning article was selected from 54 papers presented at the MODELS 2010 conference in Oslo, Norway. Our research, carried out at the Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, has been heavily cited by various research groups and the EMF-IncQuery open source software tool has been used invarious application areas such as the automotive, aerospace and spaceindustries. Many research groups used this technology as a baseline of comparison when developing new algorithms. This research is adapted by internationally well-known researchers including Prof. Jordi Cabot, Prof. Dimitris Kolovos, Prof. Holger Giese, Prof. Andy Schürr and many more.
In this paper, our researchers proposed a declarative graph pattern formalism as the query specification language and incremental query evaluation techniques over EMF models. Graph patterns declaratively describe the structural conditions and properties for model elements that correspond to a well-formedness constraint, or an application context of amodel transformation rule. Incremental graph query evaluation enables instantaneous feedback to engineers independently of the complexity of the constraint and the size of the model. The authors demonstrated this approach in an industrial context of validating automotive (AUTOSAR) models validation context and compared it with other solutions.
This research was an initial foundation towards our IncQuery Suite product, a scalable cloud-based query evaluation platform that is specifically tailored to large and complex model management projects for several domains including aerospace systems engineering, automotive software architecture and many others. With the IncQuery Suite, one can build and deploy cloud-based validation and analytics solutions that can process entire repositories several orders of magnitude faster than traditional engineering tools or database systems. The productivity of systems engineering significantly depends on tool scalability. Active validation is especially important in safety-critical domains where live results enable engineers to focus on understanding what needs to be corrected in the model, before errors are propagated further along in the toolchain.
In addition to the MIP award talk, our colleagues gave presentations and workshops about various topics in related fields during MODELS 2020. Model checking and validation with OpenMBEE and the IncQuery Suite was presented by István Ráth (CEO, IncQuery Labs) as an invited talk at the MODELS 2020 Industry Days. Benedek Horváth (Researcher, IncQuery Labs), Ákos Horváth (CTO/ COO, IncQuery Labs) and Manuel Wimmer (Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. at JKU University) had a talk at the LowCode workshop about Towards the Next Generation of Reactive Model Transformations on Low-Code Platforms: Three Research Lines. Dániel Varró (Co-founder of IncQuery Labs) gave a keynote talk about The Automated Model Generation Challenge for the Assurance of Cyber-Physical System, and co-authored three papers presented at the MODELS 2020 conference (on Automated Video Game World Map Synthesis by Model-Based Techniques, Automated Generation of Consistent Models with Structural and Attribute Constraints, Mixed-semantics Composition of Statechartsfor the Component-based Design of Reactive Systems).