The 5th network event, including a research workshop in the Lowcomote project was successfully completed

The latest in the series of the Lowcomote network events was organized this April
April 26, 2021

The 5th network event of the Lowcomote project was organized online between 12-16th April. During the network week, Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) received training on scientific report and grant proposal writing, job interview application, and IP rights management. On Friday, the 1st Lowcomote Hackathon was organized, where ESRs learnt about collaborative modeling technologies like, Eclipse GLSP, and Theia.

The training week was complemented with a research workshop. On the one-day-long workshop, audience could listen to talks about various technologies related to Scalable Management of Low-Code Artifacts in industry and academia. On the workshop, our CTO, Ákos Horváth gave a talk about reactive model processing using VIATRA and our flagship product, the IncQuery Suite. The workshop was public: check out the talk on YouTube.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curiegrant agreement n° 813884.​
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