Upcoming Webinar Series on MBSE Model Quality with Enterprise Architect

This webinar series will guide you through ensuring model quality and quality assurance using the IncQuery Validator for Enterprise Architect, starting with essential strategies for model validation.
May 14, 2024

We are pleased to announce our upcoming webinar series, "The Journey to Consistency: From Model Validation to Model Governance." This series will offer a comprehensive exploration of leveraging the IncQuery Validator for Enterprise Architect to ensure model quality and assurance.


Part One: Model Validation - Authoring Success

Date & Time: May 22, 2024, at 2:00 AM EST / 1:00 PM CT /11:00 AM PT



In the first part of our series, "ModelValidation - Authoring Success," we will delve into essential strategies for effective model creation and validation. We will demonstrate how Sparx Services North America and the IncQuery Validator for Enterprise Architect can elevate your MBSE organizational maturity.

Whether you are a software developer, systems architect, systems engineer, or engineering lead, this webinar will provide valuable insights into maximizing your productivity and optimizing your system design with an Enterprise Architect-based MBSE toolchain.


Key Learnings:
Participants will learn how to:

·       Eliminate common authoring mistakes

·       Ensure conformity with standards

·       Secure compliance with specific modeling methodologies

Join us to enhance your skills and advance your MBSE practices.


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