Webinar Recording Available: A Deep Dive into Model Governance

The recording of our second webinar, focusing on model governance using the IncQuery Validator, is now available.
July 1, 2024

If you missed our live webinar or want to delve deeper into the content, we are pleased to announce that the recording of "A Deep Dive into Model Governance" is now available. This webinar is the second part in our series, "The Journey to Consistency: From Model Validation to Model Governance."

In this session, we examined how the IncQuery Validator can help ensure your work is error-free, adheres to standards, and aligns with your chosen methodology.

Key Learnings from the Webinar:

If you missed part one, "Model Validation - Authoring Success," it is also available for viewing: Watch Part One

Stay tuned for the upcoming parts of our series.

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Three client management experts contributing in asynchronous communication.Two client management experts contributing in a phonecall.