Arrowhead Tools

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Arrowhead Tools is the largest digitalization project of the European Union. The aim of the project is to propose digitalisation and automation solutions for the European industry for closing the gap that hinders IT/OT integration (i.e., the integration of information/data and industrial operation concerns). Participating members introduce new technologies in an open-source environment for the design- and run-time engineering of IoT (Internet of Things) and System of Systems. The goal of the project is to provide engineering processes, integration platforms, tools and toolchains for the cost-efficient development of digitalisation, connectivity and automation system solutions in various application fields.  

The Arrowhead Tools project, with 84 academic and industrial partners from 18 countries, is coordinated by the Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.


The contribution of IncQuery Labs revolves around

- a novel, service-oriented System of Systems (SoS) design approach for Industry 4.0, encompassing

- an SoS modeling methodology based on state-of-the-art MBSE practice and the SysML language,

- an accompanying toolkit, coming in both a desktop and a cloud-based edition, based on IncQuery Suite technology,  

- a toolchain and process planning platform to facilitate the organization of partner contributions, and  

- the foundations for a cloud-based industrial interoperability solution, combining systems modeling with other forms of linked data and connecting to digital twins and industrial communication standards.

Work packages, milestones

The project is organized into 12 Work Packages (WPs). IncQuery Labs is mainly active in the so-called “technical” WPs, i.e., those aiming at general-purpose contributions (analyses, methodologies, tools and toolchains), creating long-lasting benefits for the future of (smart) industry and IoT.

Our main responsibilities are in WPs 4 and 5, concerned with the so-called toolchain vision of the Arrowhead platform. Empowered by toolchains, i.e., purposeful software combinations along with corresponding engineering process definitions, Arrowhead Tools aims at an evolutionary leap of the Arrowhead ecosystem, towards becoming a comprehensive solution for creating and maintaining  large-scale industrial IoT installments.

IQL also leads one of the two Tasks of WP4: identifying Arrowhead-relevant data semantics. This coordination activity harmonizes with and complements our main contribution in modeling. In fact, conceptual modeling of a domain involves the identification of the semantics of the domain, and models typically serve as vehicles for information exchange between different tools and systems.

The overall project duration is 3 years (ending in May 2022), with major internal delivery milestones every 6 months (although not every WP has to deliver at every milestone) and a yearly EU-level review.


May 28, 2019 - IncQuery Labs is joining Arrowhead Tools, a project to facilitate digitalization & automation

March 13, 2020 - IncQuery Labs continues the collaboration in the Arrowhead Tools project

June 10, 2020 - Arrowhead Tools project's helping proposal was accepted

August 31, 2020 - IncQuery Labs was invited to present its work to the Arrowhead Tools Project

October 9, 2020 - IncQuery Labs presenting at the Eclipse SAM IoT 2020 conference

November 19, 2020 - IncQuery Labs presents SysML-based industrial IoT design suite at AHT meeting

March 9, 2021 - AHT paper about systems and enterprise modelling challenges accepted forIFIP/IEEE IM workshop

May 4, 2021 - IncQuery Labs presents IncQuery Suite at the Arrowhead Tools "Vaccine" workshop

May 21, 2021 - IncQuery Labs talks about Modeling an Industrial Revolution

December 10, 2021 - IncQuery Labs took part in high-impact plenary workshops this fall

Scientific publications

Géza Kulcsár, Kadosa Koltai, Szvetlin Tanyi, Bálint Péceli, Ákos Horváth, Zoltán Micskei, Pál Varga - From Models to Management and Back: Towards a System-of-Systems Engineering Toolchain

Géza Kulcsár, Sven Erik Jeroschewski, Kevin Olotu and Johannes Kristan - Bringing Clouds Down to Earth: Modeling Arrowhead Deployments via Eclipse Vorto

Géza Kulcsár, Marek S. Tatara and Federico Montori - Toolchain Modeling: Comprehensive Engineering Plans for Industry 4.0




Austrian Instituion of Technology GmbH

CISC Semiconductor GmbH

Forschung Burgenland GmbH

Infineon Technologies Austria AG

KAI Kompetenzzentrum Automobil

Virtual Vehicle




Czech Republic

Brno University of Technology

CAMEA, spol. S r. o.

Cesks Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze

Institute of Information Theory and Automation



Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy


Wapice Oy


Commissariat A L Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Magillem Design Services SAS

STMicroElectronics Grenoble 2 SAS



Bosch Software Innovations GmbH

Eclipse foundation Europe GmbH

Expleo Germany GmbH

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaften Dresden

Infineon Technologies AG

Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co

Institut fur Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg

Institute fur Engineering Design of Mechatronic Systems und MPLM EV


Robert Bosch GmbH

Semantis Information Builders GmbH

SYSTEMA Systementwicklung

Technische Universität Dresden

Technische Universität Kaiserslauten

Universität zu Lübeck


AITIA International Zrt

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Evopro Informatikai ES Automatizalaski KFT

IncQuery Labs


Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitaro per la nanoelectronica

Eurotech SPA

Politecnico di Torino

Santer Reply SPA

STMicroelectronics SRL


Elektronikas un Datorzinatnu Instituts


ASML Netherlands BV

ICT Automatisering Nederland BV

Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven



Hogskolen i Ostfold

Jotne EPM Technology AS

Norges teknisk- naturvitenskapelige universitet

SAP Norway AS




Politechnika Gdansk


Universidade Nova de Lisboa


BEIA Consult International SRL



Acciona Construccion SA

dotGIS Corporation

Fagor Arrasate s Coop

Fagor Automation S Coop


Knowledge Centric Solutions

Mondragon Corporation Coop

Mondragon GOI Eskola Politeknikoa

Mondragon Sistemas de Informacion Sociedad Cooperativa

ULMA Embedded Solutions S COMP

University of Bologna

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


BnearIT AB

Boliden Mineral AB

EQUA Simulation AB

Lindbäcks bygg AB

Luleå University of Technology

Lundqvist Trävaru AB

Podcomp AB

Volvo Lastvagnar AB, Sweden


EQUA Solutions AG


Arcelic A.S.

Funding organization






The research has received funding from the EU ECSEL JU under the H2020 Framework Programme, JU grant nr. 826452 (Arrowhead Tools project) and from the partners' national funding authorities.

Project no. 2019-2.1.3-NEMZ_ECSEL-2019-00003 has been implemented with the support provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the 2019-2.1.3-NEMZ_ECSEL funding scheme.

Any dissemination of results must indicate that it reflects only the author's view and that the JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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