Are you using systems engineering as part of your design endeavors? Are you an AUTOSAR and/or an Enterprise Architect user, looking for global partnerships?
The Austrian IncQuery Group, being among the trend-setters for an emerging new paradigm of digital engineering, offers a number of custom-tailored solutions in the field, the two most important being a validation and an integration component, taking automotive engineering to a next level. The IncQuery Validator for Enterprise Architect is a comprehensive software tool and CI/CD capable service designed for model validation and quality assurance, providing automated checking, analysis, and reporting capabilities for model-driven engineering projects, enabling users to enhance the reliability and correctness of their models and ensure compliance with desired constraints and standards through a user-friendly and customizable interface. The IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge is a DevOps-ready application to derive UML models from AUTOSAR projects, following an ISO26262 and Automotive SPICE compliant approach.
We are in a process of strengthening our presence on the Japanese market, currently supported by an upcoming major event: the AUTOSAR Open Conference 2024 taking place in Tokyo next summer. Parallelly, we pursue R&D funding possibilities for Hungarian-Japanese industrial collaborations. If you are interested and would like to follow up on these solutions and activities, navigate to this YouTube link to our April 2023 Webinar (length: 30 mins.), or get in touch with IncQuery or with our local reps. And then, of course, we hope to have a talk next June at AUTOSAR Open in Tokyo!
If you got interested, feel free to visit our webinars, reach out to us and discuss potential synergies in more depth!